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Santa and friends bring holiday cheer to Callingwood

Santa and friends bring holiday cheer to Callingwood

Crafts, sleigh rides and Santa are at the Marketplace on the last weekend before Christmas.

Local tweens unite against bullying

Local tweens unite against bullying

A group of local youngsters put on a festival to help prevent and provide solutions to bullying.

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Water spray park to open in Callingwood

Water spray park to open in Callingwood

Water spray park set to open in Callingwood in July.

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Empowerment Team launches door-to-door campaign

Empowerment Team launches door-to-door campaign

The Neighbourhood Empowerment Team (N.E.T.) has been hard at work teaching residents about the importance of calling the police.

Immigrants receive English assistance in west Edmonton

Conversation circle helps new arrivals to Canada

Lois Hole Library gets colourful for Indian celebration

Lois Hole Library gets colourful for Indian celebration

Local library celebrates a colourful Indian spring festival known as Holi.

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Comic book creator shares skills with west enders

Comic book creator shares skills with west enders

Local comic store owner passes his love of comic books to the next generation.

Callingwood library alive with young artist’s music

Callingwood library alive with young artist’s music

By Shannon Findlay CALLINGWOOD — The clear voice of Rebbecca Lappa carried throughout the library Sunday afternoon at the Lois Hole Library in southwest Edmonton. An intimate audience of 15 were seated in a circle around her keyboard to listen to the 13 year old’s music as she sang and accompanied herself. The performance was

Edmonton libraries extend Sunday hours

Edmonton libraries extend Sunday hours

Edmonton Public Libraries have been trying to ramp up the number of people who visit...

West Edmonton roads getting better, say residents

West Edmonton residents feel that the city's pace in regards to clearing snow is improving

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