Ross Sheppard High School evacuated after gas leak detected

By Mathew White

The hallways at Ross Sheppard High School are empty following an evacuation due to a carbon monoxide leak on Monday, September 19, 2011. Ross Sheppard High School sits at 13546 111th Ave. and houses roughly 1850 students. Photograph by Mathew White.

EDMONTON — Ross Sheppard High School was forced to close its doors Monday morning due to a carbon monoxide leak.

“We detected a strange odor this morning as staff arrived,” said Ron Bradley, principal at Ross Sheppard.  “We immediately pulled the fire alarm and the fire department reacted.”

Staff and a small number of students were evacuated to Westmount Mall where they were told the school would remain closed for the rest of the day.

According to a statement released by the Edmonton Fire Service, “an open vent in a boiler room created a negative pressure in the ventilation system” and pulled the carbon monoxide back into the school instead of ventilating it outside.

Bradley said despite a slight residual odor, he is confident the school will be up and running again tomorrow morning.

Ross Sheppard High School is located at 13546 111 Ave. and is home to roughly 1850 students.